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Writing for yourself and for others: how I found my voice and audience!

Have you wondered why authors write books? What is it that inspires them to spend countless months, or even years crafting words into stories? What drives them to share their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and imagination with the world? Is it for fame, money, passion, or something else?

I will reveal why I write and maybe you can discover your own reasons for writing. Whether you are an aspiring writer, a curious reader, or a fellow author, you will find something in my explanation that will inspire, challenge, and make you think. Writing is not just a skill or a hobby; it is a way of life.

Some people think that writing is easy, some think it is difficult. Both are right. Writing is hard, painful, risky and also strangely rewarding, when it flows out of your thoughts, like a stream.

Writing is an exploration and also an expression, a way of communicating with yourself and with others. It is a way of comprehending the world and your place in it. Writing is a way of aligning with life.

Writing need not be a solitary activity. It can be a social and interactive way of connecting with other writers and readers, a way of learning and sharing each other's insights. Writing becomes a community, a culture, a badge of belonging.

Writing should make a difference in your own life and of others. It is about creating art, science, history, philosophy, or about expressing your voice, your vision, your values. It is about being YOU and also evolving into more than that.

Writing is definitely not about writing what you know. It is about exploring new ideas, cultures and new horizons. It is where you push yourself to your limits, learn from your mistakes, experiment and hone your craft. It is about discovering who you are and who you can be. Writing is about living your dreams.

Writing is not just for yourself but for others too. It is about inspiring, educating, entertaining, or connecting with your readers. It is a way of creating empathy, compassion, or joy, of making them feel what you feel. It is also, of sharing your gifts with others that is left behind as legacy. Writing is about immortality.

And who wouldn't want to be immortal? You and I do too, right?

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